As we approach the end of the autumn term, the academy remains a busy and vibrant learning environment.
This week, we have secured some strong new staffing appointments for January, to strengthen our existing, great staff team. We continually endeavour to attract and retain the very best possible teachers and support staff to our academy, to provide our students with the highest quality of education that they all deserve.
On 6th January 2022 we will be running our first “into teaching” recruitment event of the year. The purpose of this event is to give potential trainee teachers the opportunity to spend a day in school within their subject area prior to applying for a teacher training place for September 2022. If you are interested in this event, please see our website for further details:
On Tuesday 7th December we held our first Parents’ Evening of this academic year, for Year 11 students/parents. I hope that Year 11 parents found this helpful and informative. I would refer you to the Year 11 guide previously sent, which can also be found on our website at: However, if you have any further queries or concerns, please do contact your child’s subject teachers, or our Year 11 Achievement Director, Ms. L. Chapman who will be more than happy to help. All contact details are available via the website here: Prior to this, Year 11 students received their PPE examination results, and participated in a specifically tailored drop-down day.
On 7th December, Year 7 students enjoyed their trip to see “Beauty & the Beast” in pantomime at Chelmsford’s Civic Theatre. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and I would like to thank all staff who gave up their time to accompany the trip, and particularly Miss Dallard, who organised and led this outing, providing our students with a valuable extra-curricular experience.
Teaching & Learning, of course, continues apace around the academy. Sixth Form students have undertaken PPE examinations throughout this week. Considering that these are the year groups that have been most affected by teacher assessments and a lack of public exams throughout the Covid pandemic, they have responded to these with great maturity, responsibility and respect, which they should be rightly proud of.
I would also like to remind you of a few organisational matters, as mentioned in the letter sent on 8th December 2021. From Monday 13/12 until Friday 17/12, there will be no after-school clubs, P6, etc, and therefore no late bus. Please ensure that your child is aware that they must catch the 3.30 bus for this week. Students who have elected to have a Christmas lunch on Wednesday 15th December will be issued with a ticket for this in mentor time on that day. All other students will be able to purchase take-away food from the outlets in the main foyer or DT area, or can bring a packed lunch. The last day of the autumn term (Friday 17th December) is “Christmas Jumper Day”, in aid of the “Save the Children” foundation. Students are encouraged and welcomed to wear a Christmas Jumper (or T-Shirt, etc..) instead of their usual school jumper, shirt, or blazer; for a small donation of £1, payable via ParentPay. Other than Christmas jumpers, etc…, students should wear normal school uniform on this day, ie: school trousers, skirts, etc. As always, thank you for support in our charitable events.
The last day of term is Friday 17th December, and on this day, the school will close at 1.50 pm (lunchtime). The buses have been arranged to collect students at this time.
I look forward to sharing our festive events with you next week, and in the meantime, wish you all a wonderful and relaxing weekend.