Email is the best way to contact any member of staff directly, though you can also leave a message with reception on 01621 782377. Please do remember many of our team are teaching during the day and so we kindly request that you give them 48 hours to respond. If requests are urgent please do ring reception where we can ensure issues are dealt with expediently as needed.
We would also ask that you kindly use the appropriate channels for any queries or concerns. For example, please contact your child’s teacher, mentor or one of our Student Support Advisors in the first instance, prior to escalating to their Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Whilst we will always welcome feedback, comments and communication, it is important that this is received, initially, at the appropriate level, so that if it does become necessary for a query or concern to be escalated, that there is sufficient capacity for this to happen.
Ms Williams is responsible for the strategic direction of the academy and the overall outcomes for students.
Ms Williams has a BA honours in History from the University of Bristol and an MA in Education. She also holds the NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship).
Ms Williams is passionate about ensuring that all students have the best education possible. Her interests and hobbies include spending time with her family and friends. She loves to travel, visit new places, and gain new experiences.
Ms. Piralic has a varied background in education with qualifications and experience in teaching Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. She also holds an M.A. in Education from the University of Chichester.
She is an experienced senior leader who has successfully led on developing aspects of achievement, in curriculum design, extra-curricular provision and staff and student wellbeing in multiple schools and counties where she has held several positions of increasing responsibility. She is a trained SENCo and DSL with a deep understanding of inclusion practice.
Ms. Piralic’s great passion lies in a continuous drive for improvement and finding new, efficient and innovative ways to ensure that pupils’ learning experiences improve and evolve.
Prior to becoming a teacher, Ms. Piralic spent 11 years working for the United Nations and other diplomatic organisations. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and appreciating the beauty of nature and our natural environment.
Ms Goodfellow is our Designated Safeguarding Lead and is Mental Health First Aid trained. She is also responsible for Wellbeing, Student Voice, Looked after Children and leads our Student Support team.
Ms Goodfellow has a degree in Drama and Theatre Studies from Roehampton University. She is passionate about the theatre and sharing her love of this. She takes part annually in the National Theatre Connections Festival with the young student theatre company she has formed in school.
Miss Victory is responsible for Personal Development. She line manages Sixth Form, Careers, Citizenship and PSHE.
Miss Victory has an honours degree in Business Studies from City University London. Prior to joining the school she was Head of Faculty, with direct responsibility for Computing, and has developed her career teaching both business and computing subjects.
Miss Victory has a passion for travel, enjoying experiencing the diverse cultures and experiences across the world. She also is an avid sports enthusiast, with particular interests in athletics, football and cricket. Miss Victory is also a passionate advocate of STEM.
Mr Marklew is our Pastoral Lead in charge of care and guidance. He is responsible for Behaviour and Attendance and line manages the Academy’s team of Achievement Directors. Previously, Mr Marklew worked as the Head of Pastoral Care in London.
Mr Marklew has a degree in Sport and Exercise Science from Nottingham Trent University, and a PGCE PE from Loughborough University. He enjoys all sports, including football, rugby, badminton and athletics, and encourages all pupils to become as active as possible. His weekends are mostly found supporting his two boys on the football pitch.
Mr Priddle is responsible for Outcomes, Data, Reporting and shared line management for Performing Arts
Mr Priddle has a Batchelor of Science degree in Music Technology from Leeds Beckett University. Prior to joining the school he was Head of Faculty and Director of Raising Standards with direct responsibility for improving outcomes and Performing Arts. He has completed the National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership through the Teaching Leaders Programme.
Mr Priddle enjoys playing and performing Music, going to the gym, watching Arsenal and spending time with his family.
Mr Madajczyk is responsible for Performance Management across the academy and is a member of our teaching and learning team.
Mr Madajczyk has an MA in Education from Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, Poland. He has completed the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership with The National College of Teaching and Leadership. He has several Maths qualifications including teaching A-Level Mathematics.
Mr Madajczyk is passionate about languages and speaks Polish, English, Italian, Latin and ancient Greek. He enjoys travelling and exploring new cultures as well as spending time with friends.
Mrs Mahoney is responsible for the strategic oversight and operational management of the Academy’s finances and facilities, including site management. She is also the Designated Health & Safety Officer.
Mrs Mahoney has a Diploma in School Business Management (DSBM) and is currently studying with the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). She is a former Business Consultant and ran her own consultancy in the City of London for 15 years, up until 2015.
Mrs Mahoney is an avid rugby fan and a Wasps season ticket holder. She likes all sport and also enjoys walking her dog, studying, music and reading.
Mrs Damps is responsible for the strategic oversight of Academy HR and staffing, and works closely alongside the Principal and Vice-Principals. She is also the Academy Complaints Officer.
Mrs Damps has a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management from the University of East London, as well as many secretarial and Business & Finance qualifications. She has worked at Ormiston Rivers Academy for several years, and prior to this, has spent almost her entire working career in the education sector.
Mrs Damps is passionate about English and is currently studying for an Open University Degree in English Literature in her spare time. She is an avid reader and also enjoys gardening and spending time with her family and 3 greyhounds.
Mr Frost manages the creation and maintenance of the Academy timetable, working closely with the Curriculum and Outcomes teams to ensure students can access a broad and engaging curriculum. He oversees the transfer of data between key stages, to create challenging individual targets to ensure students are stretched to meet their full potential. He is also responsible for the analysis and tracking of KS5 data, informing interventions for Sixth Form students.
Mr Frost has a BSc Honours Degree in Chemistry from The University of Reading, as well as DTS through the Graduate Teacher Programme.
In his spare time Mr Frost enjoys spending time with his family, DIY, and working on the family farm.
Mr. Rumary is responsible for vocational education within the academy. He also works closely with the curriculum team as well as leading the Art, Design and Technology department.
Mr Rumary served an apprenticeship repairing ship engines before gaining a degree in Marine Engineering at Newcastle University. He is an experienced teacher, having taught Technology subjects for 20 years. He also has a Masters degree in education and is in the final year of a Doctorate focusing on the experiences of students in sixth form education, not only in our academy, but county and nationwide.
In his spare time, Mr Rumary enjoys repairing almost anything, but mostly focuses his passion on fixing and driving old, British cars. During the summer months, he can be seen driving his blue 1960’s Austin 1100 into school.
Please contact Mrs J Tovey in the first instance if you have any SEND questions or queries.
Please use the Contact Us page to contact Heads of Year