
We’re here to help

Email is the best way to contact any member of staff directly, though you can also leave a message with reception on 01621 782377. Please do remember many of our team are teaching during the day and so we kindly request that you give them 48 hours to respond. If requests are urgent please do ring reception where we can ensure issues are dealt with expediently as needed.

We would also ask that you kindly use the appropriate channels for any queries or concerns. For example, please contact your child’s teacher, mentor or one of our Student Support Advisors in the first instance, prior to escalating to their Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.  Whilst we will always welcome feedback, comments and communication, it is important that this is received, initially, at the appropriate level, so that if it does become necessary for a query or concern to be escalated, that there is sufficient capacity for this to happen.