The Department For Education publishes School Performance Tables every year. You can use this information to easily compare schools on many different measures. View our Schools page for more information.
Exceptional performance across a huge range of subjects including:
Health & Fitness. Drama. Dance. Music Performance. Music Technology. Health & Social Care. And Child Development.
Exceptional performance across a huge range of subjects including:
Health & Fitness. Performing Arts. Music Performance. Engineering. Food. Religious Studies. Business Studies. Music Technology. Health & Social Care. And Child Development.
Exceptional performance across a huge range of subjects including:
Child Development, RS, Art, Design and Planning, Performing Arts, Engineering, Travel and Child Development, RS, Music Performance, Health & Social Care, Art, Drama & Dance, Engineering, Health and Fitness, Biology, Business Studies, History, Media, Retail Business, Food and Physics.
2021 KS4 Individual Student Successes:
Evie Guilfoyle who successfully achieved nine Grade 9s in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History, French, Maths, Statistics, English Literature and English Language and a Distinction in Drama. Evie will now be heading to Writtle University College to pursue Equine studies.
Francesca Turner who successfully achieved six Grade 9s in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English Literature, English Language and Maths. She also achieved two Distinction*s in Business Studies & Health & Fitness, one Distinction in Dance and two 8’s in Statistics and Short course RE. Francesca will now be heading to Southend High School for Boys where she will be studying English Literature, Maths, Politics and PE.
Dexter Harland-Hackenschmidt who successfully achieved six Grade 9s in Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, History and Statistics. He also achieved four grade 8’s in French, English Literature, English Language and Short course RE and a Distinction in Music Performance. Dexter will be joining the Ormiston Rivers Academy Sixth Form where he will be studying Further Maths, Maths, Chemistry and Physics.
Imogen Garrett who successfully achieved five Grade 9s in English Literature, Biology, Geography, History and English Language. She also achieved four grade 8’s in Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Short Course RE, one grade 7 in Statistics and one Distinction in Drama. Imogen will be joining the Ormiston Rivers Academy Sixth Form where she will be studying Geography, Biology, Physics and English Literature
Jessica Turner who successfully achieved three Grade 9s in English Language, Biology and Physics. She also achieved five grade 8’s in Maths, Chemistry, English Literature, Statistics and Short Course RE and three Distinction*s in Media Studies, Business Studies and Health and Fitness. Jessica will now be heading to Southend High School for Boys where she will be studying Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and PE.
Isaac Richardson who successfully achieved two Grade 9s in Maths and Physics, two grade 8s in Biology and Statistics, two Distinction *s in Food and Engineering two grade 7s in Chemistry and English Literature along with a grade 6 in Computer Science and a grade 5 in English Language. Isaac will be joining the Ormiston Rivers Academy Sixth Form where he will be studying Maths, Further Maths, Biology and Engineering.
Charlie Tucker who successfully achieved two Grade 9s in English Literature and History, six grade 8s in Biology, French, English Language, Chemistry, Physics and Short Course RE. Charlie also achieved two grade 7s in Maths and Statistics along with a Distinction in Drama. Charlie will be joining the Ormiston Rivers Academy Sixth Form where he will be studying Maths, Further Maths, Biology and Chemistry.
Principal, Emma Baker, said:
“We are so proud of this year group – they have come through these testing times with such bravery and determination. They thoroughly deserve their hard-earned grades, that reflect over 10 years of education with the support of their loved ones and school staff.
As a community, we should be proud of the phenomenal progress that many individuals have made during their time at Ormiston Rivers Academy. It has been a privilege to witness not only their fantastic academic achievements, but also their contributions to sport, creative arts, and selfless work for the school and local community. They leave the school as excellent, hardworking young adults that everyone can be proud of, and I wish them the very best of luck for the future. A special thanks to the staff and parents/carers who have supported the students through a very difficult period of time”.
This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government decided that young people’s grades would be determined by teachers, based on work students produced throughout their course. These grades were then moderated and assessed by external exam boards which awarded the final grades.
Exceptional performance across a huge range of subjects including:
Child Development, RS, Art, Design and Planning, Performing Arts, Engineering, Travel and Tourism, Health and Fitness, Events, Biology, Retail Business, Health and Social Care, Food, Physics, Geography, Combined Science and French.
Principal, Emma Baker, said: “I am absolutely delighted that our students have achieved such strong results after what has been an incredibly difficult year for them. Their resilience and dedication will stand them in good stead in whatever future path they pursue. I wish each and every one of them every success”.
Principal Joan Costello said: “I am absolutely delighted to see the continued successes of our students at GCSE, particularly following on from the excellent outcomes at Key Stage 5 last week. I would like to congratulate all of our Year 11 students on their well-deserved results, which are testament to their hard-work, dedication and commitment. These results are particularly pleasing as this cohort had an extremely difficult start to their Year 11, but have shown great tenacity, support and community spirit to overcome adversity and achieve these outstanding results. Well done to everyone.”