Assessment & Reporting

Mr J Priddle (Assistant Principal)
Email: [email protected]


Assessment is the process of obtaining, analysing and interpreting evidence for use by both pupils and teachers to enable the review, planning and improvement of learning. It is fully integrated with the delivery of the curriculum and is an essential component of effective classroom practice.

  • Assessment lets our students see what progress they are making and provides their teachers and the academy with accurate and timely information which assists us to plan how to help students make further progress and reward them for the improvements they make.
  • Assessment enables us to report information to parents / carers, as well as information to help older children make choices about the examination courses they will follow and the qualifications and future careers they will seek.
  • Assessments and reports are accessed via our live online data and reporting platform. Please click here to for help and support logging in.

Types of assessment:

Formative assessment

Formative assessment is assessment for learning (AFL). It is ongoing and provides evidence of and for progression in learning. It supports learning through identifying difficulties, providing feedback and diagnosing future learning priorities. Examples include: Classwork, Homework, Questioning, Oral Discussion, Short Recall, Test/quizzing, Practical Project and Research

Summative assessment

Summative assessment is Assessment of Learning. It is used mainly to measure knowledge & skill and identify a standard of pupil attainment. It is carried out at the end of a period of learning. Examples include external examinations, internal school examinations (PPEs and in-class formal assessments) and end of topic/unit tests.

Please click here to view our examinations calendar

Assessment Grading at Rivers


Digital reports are available to parents and carers once per academic year on 

Reports will include:

  • Percentage mark for attendance
  • Current grade
  • End of year target grade
  • Most Likely Grade (MLG)

Students will also receive a grading of either Outstanding, Good or Requires Improvement for the following core values that we at Ormiston Rivers believe equip all learners for success:

ASPIRATION – Strives for excellence making great use of subject knowledge, skills and vocabulary.

INDEPENDENCE – Thinks and behaves independently navigating themselves using appropriate
strategies to achieve.

RESPECT – Respects themselves, others and the environment during all aspects of learning

RESILIENCE – Copes well with setbacks in learning and overcomes obstacles with a determined focus.

There will also be a minimum of two comments for every subject being studied. Discussing the report – Parents and carers should email subject teachers directly to arrange a meeting to discuss the report