Weekly Update - 15th October 2021

I can hardly believe that we have come to the end of our first half-term; the weeks seem to have flown by.

We have continued to work hard in all areas of the academy to ensure that our students are provided with the best possible experiences, educationally, spiritually and socially.

On Monday 11th October, we celebrated World Mental Health Day.  Students were asked to write a “promise” about one thing they were going to do to look after and improve their own mental health and to support others.  Some of the promises included: “Check on my friends more”, “To try my best in every lesson”, “To help someone if they are upset”, “To care for others and look out for friends”, “To be kind to anyone who is lonely”, “To look after my mental health”.  It was lovely to see so many students getting involved and I am delighted to include some pictures below.

Also, this week, our student Environmental Group have been busy re-planting the containers in the academy grounds with winter bedding plants.  They are also continuing to work hard towards the “Eco Award”, and have many fabulous ideas which I will have pleasure sharing with you in the weeks and months ahead.

On Wednesday we held our termly fire drill with the whole school.  Considering we have not been able to hold a full-school drill for a prolonged period of time, due to the impact of the Covid pandemic, I am really pleased to report that the drill went very well.  Students behaved extremely maturely, and the drill was completed quickly and calmly.

As mentioned last week, after half-term, students and staff will no longer be required to wear face-coverings in lessons and throughout the academy, unless they prefer to do so.  We will, of course, remain ever vigilant in respect of Covid cases, and continue to liaise closely with our Trust, the Local Authority and Public Health England. 

As you are aware, we have introduced a two-week half-term this year, so students’ first day back will be Monday 1st November 2021.

Finally, I wish you all a wonderful, fulfilling and relaxing half-term break, and look forward to continuing to update you on our return.

Jo Williams
