We continue to maintain our full steam ahead pace towards the end of term. Walking around the site, it is clear that teaching & learning has continued to be of an excellent standard. Students are focussed and highly engaged in lessons. Staff are planning a variety of exciting lessons that are following the curriculum.
This week I wanted to focus on our wonderful students, as they are the reason why we all choose our profession. Every decision I try to make is about the young people we work for and ensuring we cater for all our students and give them our very best. Mrs Williams (new Principal) has been in again this week and she spent the full day meeting a number of our students across the key stages. The best thing about our academy is the students; they are a real credit to you as parents and carers. I remember when I came to my interview and I was blown away by their honesty, work ethic and how kind and sociable they are. I love nothing more than being out and about at break and lunch and just chatting to the students, this is when you get to know them so much more and really find out what is going on and what we can do to make things better for them. For example, the Year 8’s spoke to me the other week when it was very hot about having ice lollies available and this is what we have implemented. We do try our best to accommodate reasonable requests as ultimately it is their school and they only have one experience. We have a number of student leadership groups and all information that is shared in their meetings comes back to me so we can use it to plan for the future.
One of our student leadership groups is the Sixth Form leadership team. Interviews took place last week and I am very pleased to announce that the below students will be the Sixth Form student leadership team next year.
Sophie, Chloe, Emma, Katie, Liam, Emily
Yesterday I had the privilege of interviewing some of our Year 10 students who have applied to be a prefect. We have had a large number of applications this year and I am looking forward to announcing the outcome next week once the interview process has been completed.
It was wonderful to hear that Lenny in Year 7 has won the regional final for the South and has now made it through to the national final of the OAT “Speak Out” Competition. We wish him the best of luck for the final stage in the competition.
I was also pleased to meet Jessica in Year 10 who has made it through to the final eight for the Gresham Scholarship. Jessica competed for a final place against all OAT academies and has done extremely well to make it through to the final round. I know you will be behind her, supporting her all the way and we wish her the best of luck for the residential weekend in September.
Finally OAT launched a competition in December 2020 asking pupils to design their ideal workstations for a ‘blended learning experience’ for pupils and teachers. They were asked to consider what equipment, technology, resources, apps/programs and furniture would enhance the teaching and learning experience.
I am pleased to announce that Katie M in Year 7 was a runner up and will receive a goody bag and voucher next week. The judges liked Katie’s original and creative design of a voice activated ‘study buddy’ droid device which comes with laptop, desk, and built-in charging and projection facilities. The judges were very impressed with how inventive and imaginative Katie’s design was. Katie even included a little 3D model of the droid with her design. A massive well done to Katie for her entry and working so hard.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Kind regards,
Emma Baker, Principal