Weekly Update - 11/06/2021

I hope you have enjoyed the warm weather and half term with your child/children. I was really sorry to have to contact you to inform you about the outbreak, but I believe in openness when it comes to these matters and I appreciate your support with following the guidance around this. After speaking with Public Health they have confirmed that from  Thursday 17th June students will no longer need to wear face coverings unless they choose to. We will continue to review and monitor for the final few weeks of the school year. I can’t believe we only have 5 weeks left from Monday. We have a lot to fit in and this week has been great having everyone return and fully adjusted to school life again. Year 8 and 9 students have been sitting assessments this week in the main hall; this is a practice to get students used to experiencing exam conditions ready for when they have to do them for real in Year 11. It appears that our communication system was playing up before half term and therefore the letter regarding the assessments didn’t go out, I can only apologise for the glitch in technology which has now been resolved. All letters and communication will also be on our website under “letters” so please do check this area also if needed.

With the warmer weather expected to remain, students may continue to keep their blazers at home. If you have any spare picnic blankets please drop them off as we would love our students to use them on the grass. We can only have them in each designated bubble so please have a look around and if you have any that you do not use, we will gladly take them. 

Our website has had an update to be consistent with all other OAT (Ormiston) Academies, we are currently updating the site and making it as user friendly as possible. If you have any suggestions on what you would like on the website or what you would like on social media please do let us know.

We have had a staffing change over the half term.  Mr Costello has stepped down from his role as SENCO and will be continuing as a classroom teacher. While we appoint a new SENCO Miss Scott will be the first point of contact for all students and parents and Mrs Bennett will support her this term. I would like to thank Mr Costello for his hard work and I am pleased that he will remain with us and continue to focus on his passion of teaching. 

As you are aware when the students returned in March we became a “plastic free” school. I wanted to include some data below to show you and our students the impact of this on our academy alone. 

On 18th May the readings totalled 29,297 

Friday 11th June we are on 36,115

That’s an increase of 6,818 in only 13 days of school!

That’s an average of 524 plastic bottles per day!

Just a reminder that next Thursday 17th June we break up at 12.45pm due to Parents’ Evening for Year 8.  Next week’s blog will include a link to a consultation about whether you want to remain with appointments virtually or face to face for next year.

I also just want to remind Parents/students that the school day starts at 8.45am, therefore all students must be on site by 8.45am not 8.50am as this is when the register is taken. So please ensure you drop your child off before 8.45am so they do not get a late mark or a detention for being late. 

Finally, National #ThankATeacherDay is fast approaching so if you have time our staff will truly appreciate a card. To send your thank you card please go on this website: thankateacher.co.uk.

The recipient will receive a special edition e-card, designed by Axel Scheffler, with a personalised message of your choice which is all free and will make a big impact on the staff you choose to send it to.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Baker, Principal