I am delighted to welcome you to Ormiston Rivers Academy. Our mission is to deepen learning and raise aspiration. Our values are aspiration, independence, respect, and resilience and are embedded in our day-to-day work.
Our careers programme is designed to support you at key transition points and allows you to explore, discover and access the opportunities that are out there.
Our curriculum is broad and balanced and designed to equip every student with the toolkit to live a happy, successful and enriching life.
The Sixth Form at Ormiston Rivers Academy is a vibrant and enriching community that helps our students to open doors and follow their dreams. We get to know each and every students specialist interests.
Southminster Road Burnham-on-Crouch Essex CM0 8QB
Tel: 01621 782377
Opening Hours : General Opening Hours: Mon: 08:30 - 16:30 Tue: 08:30 - 16:30 Wed: 08:30 - 16:30 Thu: 08:30 - 16:30 Fri: 08:30 - 16:00 Total Time: 40 hours per week Breakfast Club only: 08:15 Mon - Fri
Principal: Ms J Williams
General Enquiries: Mrs S Peterson
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